Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How do I make a career change from back office financial operations to investment banking with only an A.A.S ?

I am finding it extremely difficult to expand on my financial services background and need some suggestions. I have worked in back office operations management (collections, customer service, cash application) for 7 years and need a change desperately. I have applied for numerous positions as an admin asst to traders, operations support, etc. and keep getting turned down due to lack of experience in investment banking. Additionally, I only have an Associates degree in Business Admin. Why don't these companies want a seasoned professional willing to start from scratch? I understand and accept the pay cut, just give me a chance.....How do I make a career change from back office financial operations to investment banking with only an A.A.S ?
wellmy freind your cdconcern is really good but remember that most companies would really consider experience as the best teacher...few companies really accept people to begin from scratch...but i think your major wresponsibility here is to make sure you really become as creative as possible to gain trust of your bosses...but remember that your seeking for higher positions in the company wont really make the journey to your financial freedom...investment is the best power to yeour financial freedom...you can never really become rich while working for someone else...but i really dont advise you to quit your jog but use it as a steping stone to learn more and aquire more expereince....work to learn but dont work for moneyHow do I make a career change from back office financial operations to investment banking with only an A.A.S ?
Well, the short answer would be that you don't have the education. In investment banking, a bachelor's degree and MBA are very necessary. You will need that education to be able to understand businesses as a whole. If you want to make the change and show your boss/potential boss you are serious, go back to school for your BS (at least). Major in Finance or Financial Management and you will obtain the knowledge you need.

Ron, ChFC (and current MBA student)
I would agree, you won't even be considered without a B.S., let alone that investment bankers need a MBA from a top rated business school. Go back to school and get your degree, it is the only way to advance
Unfortunately, you are competing for those jobs against people with the same experience you have but who also have bachelor's degrees or even MBAs. If I have a choice between two job candidates with similar experience but one has a BA and one has an AA, which one will I pick? I know it's hard to go back to school, especially when you're working full time, but you'll be happy with the results.

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