Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Resume Help for career change from Graphic designer to mine site truck drive position?

I am seeking an truck driving traineeship/entry-level position on the mines but have no prior experience in this field the position state that no prev exp is necessary, but all I have ever done career wise is Graphic design How to I include this job on my resume? I know about the importance of highlighting transferrable skills, but these two industrieas are chalk and chees so the skill cant really be transferrable.. Any advice for describing duties or ';changing'; title?Resume Help for career change from Graphic designer to mine site truck drive position?

They want to know about what you did previously. So write it down. Your resume is just a list of who you are and what you have done previously.

The real trick is to use it in your letter of application. This is where you argue you are right for the job.

Your main issue is convincing them that you can switch from being an arty designer to a truck driver. I trained a truck driver in graphic design, so it goes both ways.

Don't try and push it too much, but mention the positives of your previous occupation. Especially attention to detail, ability to work long shifts and flexible hours....all a bonus in the mining industry.Resume Help for career change from Graphic designer to mine site truck drive position?
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh............you r headingto the wrong, wrong position my dear.

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