Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Career change question- How long to wait to change?

My current job i started last Oct, basically its the same job i did before forthe last 4 yrs, just a different company. At my last company i was basically working a manager's postion with out the pay or title at a large Fortune 500 company. My current job is a small pvt held company. I realized i only switch for pay and to get out of a bad situation. The current job is that a job, career growth is very limited. When should i start actively look to switch careers? I am wanting to leave the current line of work i'm in now.Career change question- How long to wait to change?
Wait until you have at least 6 months under your belt. So you can look now.Career change question- How long to wait to change?
Do you feel you can leave your current job now and you will still have at least one positive reference (the rest of the references you can get from previous employers)? Regardless of when you feel comfortable giving notice, you should actively begin searching for a new career right after you read this!

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