Friday, November 19, 2010

How do i change career?

I'm 23. In a nutshell I was in a bad relationship for 3 years and never got the chance to go to uni. When I got out of it my parents convinced me to go and study media. Which I have. It turns out I'm good at camera work and they think I'm gonna have a career in tv.

But I don't want this! Maybe later in my career, but for now I want a stable office job. Maybe in web design or advertising (web design was part of my uni course.) I would feel much more happy and stable in a job like this at this stage of my life. I am also enjoying dance lessons and will see where this goes too, but enjoying it as a hobby for now. The thought of working on camera day in and day out is depressing me and I feel I'm being pushed to doing it with everyone having high hopes for me.

How do I go about getting the sort of job I want? (Any advice from people who have changed career would be great.) And how do i tell my parents about it. I don't want to disappoint them, but can't face working in media right now.

Thanks.How do i change career?
Don't worry about family or friends, if work is becoming a sour note, then get out. If you're feeling miserable there it won't take long before you become a poison pill on set. That will be bad for everyone around you, and you and your reputation. And a bad reputation in film/tv can kill your career quick (its a smaller community than people think).

If you want to jump into web design, and actually make some money, so working for a company, than you need to build a portfolio. The company will only care so much about your education background. You need visual proof of your abilities. Also you need to make sure you have solid background in the fundamentals (HTML, CSS, etc.).How do i change career?
While I typically wouldn't recommend taking a job you don't like I am going to tell you to take a tv job, in today's economy you should first make yourself stable, if you enjoy web design then do that on the side because most companies will want to see some examples of your work, you can do a little freelance on the side.
So you have already finished Uni? Advertising and media is all the same. If I were you I would join a company and do dome advertising work with your degree in media it should be okay to get one. Many you could pick up a few things about web design in your job. Also in your CV highlight what you know about web design and what you could bring to that job.

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